Elysian Brewery - Executive Summary
Feb 15, 2016
Installed By: Northwest Rain Solutions, LLC
Location: Georgetown Seattle, WA
Stormwater Management: Rainwater Harvesting
Pre-filtration: WISY 6” prefilter
Problem: Elysian Brewery located in Georgetown Seattle expanded its warehousing into a new building next door but needed to manage on-site peak flow of rainfall from the 33,000 square foot impervious roof during rain events. There was little room to include a bio-retention or other form of stormwater management onsite. The best option for managing the runoff was to incorporate rainwater harvesting systems to retain the initial peak flow from rain events. This would be stored in the tanks with the initial rain but slowly drain to the municipal stormwater system over a period of time, emptying the tank for the next rain event.
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