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We'll find the most effective solutions for you to manage and use the rainwater falling on your roof.  Whether it is above ground or below ground cisterns, bio-retention (rain gardens) or infiltration, we can help find solutions for your water supply, drainage issues and code requirements.

More than 12 years' experience with stormwater management and rainwater harvesting.






Northwest Rain Solutions is dedicated to improving self reliance and reliability for our most precious resource, fresh water. Our rain harvesting systems for potable use can improve water availability in areas with low producing wells or limited access to water. 


Our non-potable rain harvesting systems can be designed for irrigation purposes or for indoor use such as flushing toilets and washing clothes. This can take the pressure off of low-producing wells, or reduce water bills by using rain, instead of treated water for non-potable uses.






We solve drainage issues with on-site stormwater management systems including: French drains, perimeter drains, bioretention (rain gardens, bog gardens), infiltration gardens/trenches.

Bio-retention is specially designed garden features for infiltrating stormwater or treating stormwater before it flows to critical water bodies. 

Northwest Rain Solutions' focus and specialty is low water landscapes and native plants. Whether you have an area with drainage issues, or want a low-water native landscape, our team will design and install the best options with your project in mind.


In the event of an emergency or disaster, water is one of the most important resources for recovery. Utilities that supply and convey water can be disrupted during a disaster for an extended period. Having a reliable supply of stored water can improve resiliency and speed recovery after a major disaster. Rainwater can also be used as a water source for fire suppression sprinkler systems.


" After moving into an older house on South Hill, we began to realize that our moisture problem was not simple. CJ proved to be a great listener and educator about the nature of our problem, and he made sure that we understood the comprehensive fix he proposed. When it came time to do the work, Marc and his crew proved to be exceptional: professional, courteous, and dedicated to getting the job done, offering helpful explanations every step of the way. We are pleased with the results and feel we made a smart investment that will lengthen the lifetime of our property. I would recommend NW Rain Solutions to anyone hoping to make peace with the water they live with here in Whatcom County. " -T.W.

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